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Legend (Geo50K/Geo50K_RehovotBaNegev)

Geo_Contacts (7)
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GeoFormation_Polygons (13)
Al - Alluvium, colluvium, soil Al - Alluvium, colluvium, soil
Qsd - Sand dunes Qsd - Sand dunes
Qss - Sand sheets Qss - Sand sheets
Qls - Loess, fluvial & eolian Qls - Loess, fluvial & eolian
NQ ap - Pleshet & Ahuzam fms. NQ ap - Pleshet & Ahuzam fms.
NQa - Ahuzam Cgl. NQa - Ahuzam Cgl.
NQp - Pleshet Fm. NQp - Pleshet Fm.
Emr - Maresha Fm. Emr - Maresha Fm.
Ey - Nahal Yeter Fm. Ey - Nahal Yeter Fm.
En - Nizzana Fm. En - Nizzana Fm.
Ea - Adulam Fm. Ea - Adulam Fm.
Tlt - Taqiye Fm. Tlt - Taqiye Fm.
Kug - Ghareb Fm. Kug - Ghareb Fm.